Donate Your Car:
Did you know that 70% of the car's body is made of ferrous metals (like cast iron and sheet steel), 6% is comprised of non-ferrous metals, and 24% of Automotive Shredder Residue? This means that careless disposal of junk vehicles may lead to the most alarming kind of pollution. On the brighter side, these numbers also speak of the possibility of recycling some parts of the ride. After all, 76% of the car is made from metals that can still be processed to be re-used.
This should serve as a primary encouragement to car owners who couldn't think of any solution to dispose the badly tarnished vehicle crowding their garages. They have two options: sell or donate. Both choices entail considerable perks and whinges.
Selling the junk cars helps owners have bit of profit, around $25-$50. BUT putting the old vehicle on sale takes up too much time as some organizations demand legal documents to be presented. Negotiations may also be time-consuming because there is a need to asses which parts can be sold for salvage and which components are for recycling.
Donating the junk car to charity organizations, on the other hand, is another story. One can get rid of the junk car way faster, but without the profit.
Those who can forego profiteering and are simply after the proper disposal of their crippled rides may find donating more convenient. In such case, it is imperative to know where to donate junk car.
There are several groups and organizations that would be more than happy to accept donated cars, either for recycling or restoration.
- Cars that may still be repaired (after painstaking processes) can go to auto salvage dealers. On some fortunate events, the dealers may insist on offering a reasonable price even when the primary goal is to donate the ride.
- Cars that may be impossible to restore and repair can be given to environment-oriented charity organizations. There are groups who accept hand-outs, going as far as accepting bequeathed junk cars. Organizations as such often have metal recycling facilities and sell the recovered metals for profit. A whopping 42% of new steel in North America, for example, came from donated junk cars (sometimes sold) to charity recycling units.
You can donate you car from different websites too. Through You can do this easily.